How Tomorrow’s Promise Becomes Yesterday’s Regret Back in my younger days, we had this majestic old grandfather clock at my Mum’s house. It tick tocked solemnly in the landing on the staircase, chiming out the hours in a slow, dignified way. Emblazoned in bold lettering across its face, were the mysterious words “Tempus Fugit”. I… Keep Reading
How Tomorrow’s Promise Becomes Yesterday’s Regret
Back in my younger days, we had this majestic old grandfather clock at my Mum’s house.
It tick tocked solemnly in the landing on the staircase, chiming out the hours in a slow, dignified way.
Emblazoned in bold lettering across its face, were the mysterious words “Tempus Fugit”.
I pondered for years about what this could have meant.
Later, I found out it was Latin.
I now knew what it meant literally.
The concept of Tempus Fugit, however, was still beyond my reach.
I have been understanding it better every year ever since then.
It grows on you…
A couple of days ago, I talked about the very real dangers of our excuses in a blog post called “What More Could I Do?”
Hopefully, you are an avid follower and a voracious reader of my blog and you’ve read it.
And learnt something from it to apply positively to your life.
(If you haven’t, get your fucking act together and go read the damn thing right now!)
Well, it’s a funny world.
Because after writing that article, we had a parade of excuse makers.
(They obviously don’t read my blog – oh well!)
I am definite that summer time is the prime time of excuse making.
Maybe the heat just gets to everyone’s head and evaporates smart choices.
Or maybe all those barbeques and those ice creams are temptations just too great to resist.
It’s alarming how many people give up tomorrow’s benefits in exchange for today’s instant gratification.
Here is an example.
This is an actual email I received from a client after he came here, with the premise of starting off a fitness journey.
During what we call a Discovery Session, I outlined what his decision really involved.
The premise is simple.
I am NOT here to take people’s money.
I am NOT about toting up another membership fee.
I am totally NOT interested in working that way.
What I AM about is changing people’s lives around.
Working with me is about you and I finding YOUR dream and getting YOU as close to it as humanly possible.
Making you the absolute best version of yourself that you could possibly be.
Most people just make statements like “I am going to start going to a gym and get fit and lose weight” on a whim.
Not knowing or even bothering to find out, what something like that really entails.
Which is actually why a LOT of people start out a fitness program and drop out after a few weeks.
Because their “coach” has actually not taken the time to guide them properly.
You have to realize that, thought it sounds simple enough, it is really a profound decision.
Some deep changes need to be made – in our way of living certainly, but, more importantly, in our way of thinking.
And this actually comes as a shock to most.
So yeah, some things need to be pointed out.
And no shit, not all simple things are easy.
But then, when you come here and ask for my help, this will not be something you will be doing alone.
When I am in, the odds are suddenly on YOUR side!
The Discovery Session gives us time to connect.
It will give you perspective and help you think more clearly.
It gives me a chance to show you how we will break it all down to achieve goals one by one.
Little steps. Big journeys.
It also gives me the opportunity to highlight the level of commitment you will have to make to changing your lifestyle.
And I will show you how I will give you 120% commitment to making sure you succeed.
That’s right. 120%!! I will bust my ass for you.
My involvement basically guarantees success – if you REALLY want it.
But NOTHING will happen unless you are ready to bust yours.
Back to my client.
The Discovery session was fine as regards helping the client see what this really involved!
When we were done, he told me he was in because he really wanted to do it and would start the next day.
I wasn’t so sure.
The next day I got an email.
Here it is!
Hey Don,
I know I was supposed to start today, but I have been thinking about it.
You know, it all sounds great, but I am not sure I can commit right now.
You see, I am really busy so I am not sure I can make it regularly to the gym, like you said I was supposed to if I want to change.
I work long hours and I am really tight on time.
It will also be really difficult for me to quit smoking and not go out drinking with my friends, so that will also be a drawback.
Plus it is summer, so training is bound to be hot and sweaty.
However, the biggest problem is I don’t have the money to invest in the program right now.
I have a lot of expenses at this point in my life, so I really can’t afford to do this.
Thank you so much for your time.
I look forward to joining up in the future when I have more time and money available, so I can commit fully to this program.
(real name removed to protect the misguided prospect)
Well, at least he DID write back to me (some people do not even extend me that courtesy).
So, I thought he deserved a reply.
Here goes!
Dear Johnny,
Thanks for getting back to me.
I appreciate the feedback.
I think I will be doing you a disservice if I don’t give you a detailed reply, so, if you will allow me a response, I would like to take some time to point a few truths out to you.
So, with all due respect, here is a little dose of reality.
As you know I have been in this business for over 20 years now, and “now is not the time” is actually one of the top three excuses I am given a reason for not starting a fitness program.
It sounds plausible upfront, but, when given more scrutiny, the premise actually falls apart faster than Lyndsey Lohan at a rehab center.
You see, saying “I don’t have the time” or “It’s a bad time right now” or even “I can’t afford it right now” are just ploys.
Just things you say to cheat yourself – because they sound right.
It will actually NEVER be the right time.
Because life ALWAYS gets in the way.
Time doesn’t simply…happen.
You will not wake up tomorrow morning and say “Wow, this is awesome, I have 6 free hours today and another 8 hours tomorrow, I wonder what I should do with them…”.
You will always have something to do – most of your life is in fact spent rushing in between things just trying to keep up.
The keywords being “just trying to keep up”.
The sad reality is that most people are caught up in the treadmill of life – going around in circles, doing things they are “supposed” to do.
And getting to pensionable age with nothing much to show for it.
There is a shattering difference between being “busy” and being “productive”.
Almost everyone is busy, but very few people are truly productive.
John Lennon once said “life is what happens when you are busy making other plans”.
The point is that, barring a medical emergency, you will always put your own health on the back burner.
For most people, as long as they can get out of bed and make it through their average day, they are content.
That expanding waistline, those increasingly flabby arms, those widening love handles – they can all be ignored very easily.
Your internal well being – cholesterol levels, blood pressure levels, cardiac health – are, paradoxically, even EASIER to ignore.
Can’t see them, ain’t there!!
And this is the exact reason why we are seeing so many diseases of the middle aged affecting people in their 20’s these days.
So, I can guarantee right now that, in a year from today, you will not have taken ONE step closer to taking care of yourself.
It will always be a “struggle” and it will never be “a good time”.
Because today’s priorities will be substituted by tomorrow’s.
Life wont give you a chance – it will keep on throwing shit at you faster than you can handle it.
And the cycle will go on and on and on.
Trust me on this – I have seen this exact pattern repeated a thousand times over the years.
Damn, I used to do it myself!! And I STILL fall into that trap if I drop my guard a bit.
And it all happens because…one chooses not to care.
And lassitude is always an easier choice than action.
And most people, given a choice, will always take the easier road.
And easy, is seldom the best way to go.
BUT…is your health really worth gambling with?
The truth is – NOW, is actually the best time to embark on a fitness journey.
You see, everyone finds time and money for their personal priorities.
If you consider something important, you will always find a way to get it done.
It could be anything – priorities are after all, subjective.
But, if it is something you covet, you will always find a way possess it.
Time and money are never really issues when we want something so bad.
Unless we make them issues.
They are simply handy excuses you give yourself to justify your reluctance to engage in something you really do not consider important.
So, even though you may state with the best of intentions that you intend to sign up “in the future”, I can almost promise you that it will not happen.
Not anytime soon, anyway.
And as the days go by, the gym will seem less and less important.
You will have forgotten all about it by next week.
It will perennially be on tomorrow’s to do list.
And as we all know, tomorrow never comes.
So – MAKE time.
You will never find it otherwise.
It’s only 3 hours per week after all.
That’s 2% of every day!
I GUARANTEE you are wasting more than that doing unimportant things during your average day.
ABSOLUTELY guaranteed.
Things which don’t even stand knee high to your need to take care of yourself.
And engage in a healthier lifestyle.
A lifestyle with so many amazing benefits, that actively engaging in it, is just a no brainer.
And, when you think about it, a lifestyle even more desirable when it has benefits which you can pass on to your family.
What’s better than the gift of health, after all?
Now, once you have read all this – do you still think you “don’t have time”?
Or is it better to simply take your courage in both hands commit right now?
And MAKE the time you need for a healthier tomorrow.
Instead of waiting for a fabled “better position” that I promise you, will NEVER come.
Jump in NOW!!!.
Start getting healthier TODAY.
Make that crucial decision to change things.
Bite the fucking bullet!!
Will it be easy? No!
Will it be worth it?? Absolutely YES!!
You will be amazed how everything else will fall in place, once you make this life changing decision.
Don’t think too much about it.
NOW is the time to ROCK!!
Get in touch with us and book a fresh Discovery session, so we can go places.
Your friend and coach,
Was that “excuse” email for real? (Those were a lot of excuses, and I’m wondering how someone committed to smoking, drinking, and not investing in themselves even ended up in a discovery session with you!)
I do hope you motivated him to action. Really great points. (It motivated me!) When we prioritize our health, everything else will fall into place.
That was actually almost ad verbatim Kate.
People don’t really see the commitment they need to be putting in – they do things like this on a whim and just think it will be a walk in the park.
Or they have been to other gyms who just signed them up and let them play around, so it gives them a false idea about the necessity of this being a lifestyle change, rather than just a quick visit to the gym, 2-3 times per week.
Unfortunately, I am still waiting for the guy to get back to me. It’s been awhile, so I’m not holding my breath on that one.