WOW! Just wow. This is what it’s all about. The Everyday Mum who become a Rock Star. I’m just so proud of you Claire. This is the essence of Re-Invention – the successive culminations of a life journey that revolves around six dimensions. Desire. Determination. Discipline. Devotion. Dedication. And Destiny. HOW TO BECOME A… Keep Reading
Just wow.
This is what it’s all about.
The Everyday Mum who become a Rock Star.
I’m just so proud of you Claire.
This is the essence of Re-Invention – the successive culminations of a life journey that revolves around six dimensions.
And Destiny.
Note that I said “journey”.
This is an expedition through Life and not an event in time.
It’s a lesson in constant progression.
Forget instant solutions. Cookie cutter workouts. And one size fits all plans.
They are the stuff of fairy tales.
In other words – they simply don’t work.
What we see here is what we call being a Life Performance Connoisseur – a well-designed, well-thought out plan built around specific individual requirements based on long term results, rather than instant gratification.
It’s about building something that can be sustained.
A plan that you can adopt for life – not for just a few months where you struggle your way through, hoping it will all be over soon.
The latter kind of plan is just a recipe for failure.
After all, no one would ever want to do things that suck the joy out of living (well I know a couple of miserable masochists who just love to mooch and moan but hopefully, you’re not one of them).
All you want to do in such a situation is get over it as fast as possible.
Which is what is wrong with most plans that promise you instant fat loss and sexy curves.
They don’t look at the big picture.
They are not designed to take care of YOU, according to YOUR needs and YOUR requirements and YOUR situation.
They are just routines – a “count the reps and pretend it’s a workout” lie.
Yes! I just called it a BIG FAT LIE.
Think about it.
How many times have you started a workout routine that failed after a few weeks?
How many times have you been caught up in that terrible cycle of starving yourself to lose weight and then bingeing it all right back – plus a few kilos more?
How long into a fitness program has it taken you to start losing confidence in yourself and knowing you are going to fail again?
Does this sound familiar?
If you have been caught up in any of this at any point in your life, then you need to step back and re-evaluate.
Here are some truths.
Calories aren’t just calories.
Eating less and moving more doesn’t always work.
Trying to look like someone on the magazine isn’t what you should be looking for.
And trying to lose X amount of kg because you have been told that is your “ideal weight” is downright dangerous.
And that is why we have put so much into making Re-Invention the best it can be – for YOU.
Because we firmly believe you deserve the best you can get – and you can get nothing better than something custom made for YOU.
Re-Invention has been tested and refined for over 20 years to deliver results that are truly mind blowing.
It cuts swiftly through all the fluff and bluff that are holding you back and helps you break free from the chains you have put on through a lifetime of incremental negativity – so that you can become a better version of yourself.
Every single day.
And it does this by focusing on heart and mind and body – in precisely that order.
It resets and re-invents your mindset, your beliefs, your emotions and uses those to amp up your training and your nutrition.
And the pieces of the puzzle all come together to create a constantly improving picture of you.
The following are the three main pathways of how it all works.
As we go through life, we are bombarded with far too many negativities, many of which we sadly pick up and carry with us.
They are given to us by almost all the people we come into contact with – even friends or family are unwittingly guilty of this crime.
It may not be their fault entirely – they are simply resonating with what they themselves have been taught.
Then you have the ones who prey on us on purpose – the emotional vampires, the ones that drain our souls dry of energy and love.
And this is the result.
“I can’t do this.”
“I am not good enough.”
“It’s a pipe dream.”
“That’s impossible.”
“If only I had time!”
“Maybe next year!”
Just take your pick.
At first, these negativities start by weighing us down and slowing our lives.
It’s a slow, barely perceptible process but the attrition is inexorable.
The groove quickly becomes a rut and we get caught in an ever-constricting circle of finger pointing that we cannot seem to break out of.
Most people never do.
It’s never our fault – it’s always someone else.
Or that other Big Kahuna’s – Fate.
Eventually, this will become our grave – slowly poisoning out all our happiness and self belief.
And our greatest sorrow in life will be all the things we have missed out on simply because we didn’t believe we deserve them.
Quite frankly, I can think of very few things more horrible than this slow death by emotional asphyxia.
It’s time to stop.
Not next week. Not tomorrow.
Right NOW!
It is time to learn to focus on the positives.
On the blessings we all have inside us.
Yes, the ones we DELIBERATELY hide and bury deep inside of us.
Re-Invention teaches you how to break ties with the emotional vampires in your life.
The people that are dragging you down.
The occluding beliefs you have developed over time.
It gives you the skills you need to stop associating food with comfort – by giving you more confidence in yourself and the power you have inside.
It reduces stress, opens up your eyes – and puts you in the pilot seat of your own destiny.
Way too many people are caught up in dogmas.
They are told something and they believe it – without question.
I am not pointing any fingers – even I still catch myself doing this from time to time.
It’s more…comfortable…that way, isn’t it?
But comfort is stifling.
It stops us from growing and evolving.
Re-Invention teaches you how to be more incisive.
How to look over the wall to see what is TRULY going on over at the other side.
It teaches you that the status quo is never OK – that sitting on the fence pretending it’s a balancing act is really sliding backwards into failure.
It’s a complete and refreshing restructure into the way you think and see things.
It’s what a successful attitude is all about.
Ah, and this is the part we (thought) we all came for, right?
Hey, who doesn’t want to look sexy?
Just about everyone wants to be looked at and admired.
It’s an essential part of human nature to crave the attention and respect of our peers.
However, why are there so many people that are completely frustrated with what the magazines and the “experts” teach them?
After all, they put in the hours.
They pound out endless sessions on the treadmill or out in the street.
They do countless reps on their gym circuit exercise plans.
They crunch up their veggies and sip their colourful little smoothies.
But after their first initial weight loss, it never seems to go anywhere.
Again, Re-Invention is where the difference happens.
Workouts are individually designed – that means the workout works FOR YOU.
Not for everyone.
It’s not a photocopy routine that is really blurry around the edges, or some fad that has been designed to make it colourful and fancy.
This is about getting science to work for you.
About maximizing every single second you spend working out.
So that you actually spend LESS time working and still get FAR MORE results than you ever thought possible.
I mean, time spent at the gym is great, but who wants to live in a gym?
We want to go outside and flaunt off all our hard work, right?
We want to look lean and sexy, with killer legs and a butt to die for.
That’s the name of the game, baby.
And it is EXACTLY what Re-Invention does – using the Science + Fun formula we have developed in over two decades of coaching to bring around rapid, amazing, and (most importantly) reproducible results (because that miss and hit BS is for amateurs).
That’s why when I look at Claire’s picture I go “WOW!”
We have come such a long way in a remarkably short span of time.
When Claire first started, we had an overworked, hyper-stressed, ultra-tired Mum, who had a little daughter to take care of, a relationship to attend to, and, if that wasn’t enough, a full time career as a law student.
Now that’s a pretty full timetable.
So we needed to get it under control – FAST!
So let me share with you a little insider secret about how we get things done.
The first thing we do is break it all down into little steps we can handle.
It’s amazing how much easier problems become when you dismantle them to their roots.
Want the second insider secret?
Do it one problem at a time.
Don’t multi-task – it just won’t work that way.
Overwhelm is a very serious issue that can attack even the strongest of us.
Just K.I.S.S – Keep It Simple, Sweetheart.
So, after we fix things up one by one, then we put it all back together.
In this way, we get a working system that allows us to iron out the kinks as they happen.
Which is exactly what we did in Claire’s case.
And the change that happens…well, you can look at the pic and tell me yourself.
We got her University timetable under control, we made sure family time was a priority, we put up a study schedule and we fit in some Claire time as well.
It’s not a perfect system yet – nothing can ever be perfect – but it works in an awesome way.
And awesome is pretty damn the next best thing to perfect for me and my clients.
Still, no matter how many times I have seen this transformation happen to our clients over the years, it still blows my mind.
And it’s not only the change in body shape that gets me.
It’s the difference in the look in their eyes, the smile on their face and, most of all, the new found happiness and confidence in their hearts.
The kind of change that only comes from the inside out.
And knowing that we are giving them the tools to sustain this for a lifetime, and grow from it consistently, is the best part of it all.
Now, please keep this in mind.
This is something within EVERYBODY’S reach!
It’s not something only a few people have.
Never fool yourself into thinking that this is something for a select few, or that you need to have massive willpower, or it is something you are born with.
It’s not.
It’s a science – and Re-Invention just provides the tools to help you be the best you deserve to be.
You deserve at least that much, don’t you?
It’s time to grab Life in both hands – and get what you truly deserve.
Just fill in the form below and hit submit. We’ll get back to you within 48 hours.
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PS: Please note. Re-Invention is a great program but it is by application only. It is only for those who really and truly want to change.
If you found this helpful, and you believe that you are ready for a change in your life, you are going to LOVE working with us. Drop as a line on and ask about a Discovery Session today!
PPS: Remember, this is not just about losing a few pounds and dress sizes. It’s about losing your fears, your sadness and your negativities and replacing them by self confidence, self belief and happiness. What’s there to lose? Once you decide to waste no more time doubting yourself – go right ahead and get in touch IMMEDIATELY.
Beautiful and inspiring! Congratulations to you both – Claire and Donatello.- on your great success.
Thank you so much Kate. Claire did all the work. I just smacked her about a bit 🙂