Dedicated to all women out there – how to become absolutely amazing in 6 simple steps!
“I will never be able to do that!”
“That’s too much for me!”
“I’m not supposed to do that, I’m a girl!”
“It doesn’t matter – I won’t make a difference and you can get what you need elsewhere, anyway!”
Yes, sadly I hear (crazy) things like this every day.
And almost all of them come from women.
Of course, men are not immune, but women suffer from this problem in an inordinate way.
Way too many of them drag this negative aura around like a ball and chain tied to their lives.
Thinking they are not entitled to be successful simply because of their gender.
Gets you wondering – who the hell has been telling women these lies?
Even worse – why the hell do so many women believe them?
I have spent the last 25 years of my life helping people become the best they can be.
Through the years, most of my clients have been (and still are) women.
(I am not sure why, really, but it must be my amazing looks, rock-solid biceps and smouldering eyes, haha!).
Spending so much time around ladies in job like mine puts me in a pretty good position to see exactly how bad the women have it in a society like ours.
As well as figuring out reasons why this should happen and the ways to solve it.
Trust me, spending a quarter of a century around at least one person with PMS almost every day will turn you into a philosopher pretty damn quick.
(Well, OK, I suppose it could also turn someone into a serial killer but that hasn’t happened to me…yet…)
So, after all these years teaching my female clients how to unleash their awesomeness, it’s time we spread the power a little further afield so that more women can enjoy it.
So ladies, listen up!
Want to be Wonder Woman?
Then these are the top 6 things you need to do.
(And I know they work without a shadow of doubt – we have made countless Wonder Women using these principles).
Here you go!
I keep hearing these dogmas about how women are supposed to behave and what their supposed roles are, every day of the week.
I keep getting finger pointing every time I ask incisive questions.
Most just moan about how bad they have it – but few actually realize THEY are the ones making it happen.
Lets’ get one thing clear right away.
We are the architects of our own destiny.
Everything we are doing right now, gets us everything we have, and everything we will ever have.
The way we see things and the way we think attracts who and what we have around us in our lives.
Everyone has problems.
Everyone has a sob story.
Yours don’t make you special, they just make you human.
Just as human as everyone else on the planet.
Life is made up of falls, big and small, some that bruise us and some that pulverize us.
Deal with it.
When the chips are down (and yes it will happen) you need to weather the blows, gather your wit, then get back up to your feet.
And go at it again!
Complaining about problems is the same as complaining water is wet.
Welcome to reality.
That’s a constant you will never escape.
It’s what you do about your reality that counts in life.
How many times have you heard that phrase?
Even worse, how many times have you said it yourself?
Think about it.
Why would you say “I know” when your actions in a situation are absolute evidence that you have no idea what you’re doing?
The truth is, when you say “I know”, all you are really doing is trying to feel good about your abilities in whatever situation you are in.
Perhaps I should say your perceived abilities (just so we are on the same page about what you are actually doing – which is nothing good at all).
So, in order to stroke your ego, you go into sage mode with “I know!”.
And, intellectually, you might “know” too.
You might be aware of the facts.
But being “aware” doesn’t mean anything at all.
Because “knowing” and “acting on what you know” are planets apart.
What you know and what you do about it are two absolutely different things.
And the sooner you realize that, the faster you can take action.
Action that counts.
Stop knowing. Start doing instead.
So this Ghandi guy might have a point.
He said:
“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”
Pretty smart for a dude weighing about 80lbs soaking wet (of which about 3lbs were his specs and another 10lbs were his dhoti).
So, in a world of your own negativity, there is only one path for you to follow.
Your thoughts will make you who you are.
They will shape how you think, how you perceive and how you execute.
They will also determine the kind of people you surround yourself with and the eventual path your life will take.
In short, absolutely everything that happens to you in your life is determined by how you think.
Your thoughts define your present, and they also shape your future.
So, if you think negatively, your life will be permanently spinning down a negative spiral.
If you believe you should not succeed, then you never will.
If you don’t respect yourself, you will never be respected.
I have women talking to me every day about how bad they have it, and when we drill down to it, it’s almost always self-inflicted.
So – you want to feel better, live happier, and be more successful in life?
Start thinking that way.
Remove every single shred of negativity that creeps in every time you want to do something.
Step out of the darkness into the love and the light.
You’ll be amazed at what a difference this makes.
It’s a sad fact that most people are inherently negative.
If this wasn’t true, we would have a whole load of happier people around and, by extension, way more successful people in this world.
But with schools turning kids into automatons, destroying individuality and telling everyone they need to conform to be a responsible member of society…
…with our wings being constantly clipped by others who tell us to face “reality”…
…and with our dreams being relentlessly shot down because they are “only” flights of fancy…
…the dice are pretty much loaded against us, aren’t they?
Did you ever realise that a lot of this darkness is coming directly from the people we choose to spend our time with.
They are our direct source of influence.
The way we think, feel and execute comes from the people we spend the most time with.
And, unless we choose very carefully, the odds are that most, if not all of the people we know, are negative too.
Our own negativities are ensuring that we attract like-minded people.
Look around you?
How many of your closest friends are upbeat, infinitely happy, success-driven people who make the world a better place?
And how many are emotional vampires?
Be honest with yourself.
I think the odds are you will be aghast at the answer when you think about it without any filters on.
And, if you are horrified by what you find, it’s probably the best time in the world to grab your vampire killing kit and start looking for better company.
We’ve talked about vampires before – you really don’t want to be around monsters like that, do you?
So surround yourself with people who challenge you, take care of you, love you and push you to be a better person – and watch miracles happen.
Fess up!
It’s really hard to admit it when you make a mistake right?
Once you have screwed up and plonked your foot in it, backing out, showing the mess to everybody and cleaning it off takes some serious fortitude.
Nobody likes looking like an ass.
So, most of the time, just because Pride is sitting on your shoulder whispering in your ear, you take the hardball stance, go into billy goat mode and keep on doing what you are doing, regardless.
God knows I have done that myself many times.
Truth is, all you are really doing is just making the situation worse.
Simply because humble pie isn’t the best meal of the day.
Well, here’s the good news.
Suck it up!
Pride doesn’t care about you.
It will never tell you what is best for you.
It will watch you crash and burn, and STILL keep yammering it was the right thing to do.
That’s crazy when you think about it.
Pure, unbridled, fat-free, organic sabotage.
So here’s the simple truth – tell your Pride to back off.
When you realize you have screwed up, you need to do two things – fast.
Admit it.
Allen Saunders once said “Life is what happens to us while we are busy making other plans” (nope, it wasn’t John Lennon, he just sang about it, years later).
THIS is our time.
I really don’t care how many dreams you are making about tomorrow.
Unless you are busting your ass TODAY making things happen, your dreams are always going to remain exactly that.
Fantasies in your head.
Getting from here to a better place is never going to be easy.
If you want easy, stay at home on the sofa, watching TV and eating éclairs.
However, if you want more respect, sit up and demand it.
If you want more money, go out there and find a higher-paying job. Or, even better, make your own.
If you want to be happy, remove your negativities. All of them.
If you want to be successful, think and act like a champion. Not like a loser.
Change takes time to happen.
The decision to change doesn’t.
You need to make that decision happen…TODAY.
Because however much time you think you have – you don’t.
Time just passes by, regardless of whether we are doing what we HAVE to do or what we NEED to do.
I have lost count of those moments where people come up to me and tell me “If only…”.
And even though I have lost count of how many times this has happened (and still happens to this day), every single one of these moments carries its own sadness at the time that has been lost that cannot be replaced.
So, stop thinking you have time.
If you want your dreams to happen, start making them happen NOW.
Yes, I am talking to you.
Anyone can become Wonder Woman.
It’s not something that just happens.
Neither is it down to blind luck or coincidence.
It’s something you decide to do.
It’s a matter of wanting it bad enough, and working as hard as you can for it.
Following these 6 philosophies listed here will get you there – guaranteed!
Remember that the difference between a dream and a goal is a deadline.
Set yourself one and make things happen.
Even without the nifty little costume, you can still be the most amazing version of yourself you can ever be.
I dare you to do it!
Go ahead and rock it!
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