The Eleonora Kulikauskaitė Story Teenagers!!! You know what they can be like!!! All those raging hormones and growing pains just don’t make for a very stable environment that’s easy to work with. So I keep getting 60kg sticks who want to be Arnold Schwarzenegger in a few workouts. I mean just last week, I had this… Keep Reading
The Eleonora Kulikauskaitė Story
You know what they can be like!!!
All those raging hormones and growing pains just don’t make for a very stable environment that’s easy to work with.
So I keep getting 60kg sticks who want to be Arnold Schwarzenegger in a few workouts.
I mean just last week, I had this 16 year old asking me why his biceps weren’t growing.
After a grand total of 3 (yes THREE) workouts.
Honestly, I am running out of places to hit my head against.
And I get teenage girls who just want to look like their favourite supermodel in a few weeks before summer.
This is always a tough one because the media, and social expectations, do not exactly help.
However, sometimes, we get a nice surprise.
Eleonora was one of them.
It started out just like normal – but I soon found out that this young lady had a spark in her that few have.
So we fanned it into a flame.
Now she is going back home but hopefully, it will turn into a conflagration.
Great job Eleonora.
Keep giving it your best. Every single day.
I am proud of you.
God Bless!
And this is my BodyForge story.
“I will start going to the gym tomorrow.“
Isn’t that what we all say?
But somehow, we are so set in our ways, we never really manage to do it.
Today we say tomorrow, tomorrow we say the day after. These thoughts will get us nowhere.
The only sure way to accomplish results is by working hard, and that is exactly what I have learned ever since I joined The BodyForge, in Gozo, Victoria.
The first step that I took towards a healthy lifestyle was to join The Forge
I knew from my first time there, that working out at The Forge would mean business.
This is not your relaxed, carefree, spa-style gym, where vague, uninterested gym instuctors let you do your own thing.
This is where they get things done. A place to change your life around.
Exactly what I was looking for.
After just my first workout session at The BodyForge, I felt wonderful, simply because I had learned so much from my first day.
Within the first week I suddenly went from being a lazy, out of shape teenager who kept postponing her workouts, to becoming a motivated and frequent gym goer, who would never miss a workout for any cost.
I discovered that I had become a very hard working person when it came to working out, and this was mainly due to the help and support that I had gotten from the BodyForge staff.
Donatello Pisani ( CEO and Master Trainer there) taught me so many clever approaches to weight loss and muscle toning. He just lives and breathes fitness.
I can honestly say that his coaching, his sincere interest in my progress and constant encouragement have completely changed my life around.
I had always thought that weight loss was all about what the scale said.
However weight loss is almost irrelevant when your goal is to look slimmer and better.
Yes obviously you will lose weight if you go from being inactive to very active – nevertheless, its more about restoring your body and growing muscle and toning it, as opposed to being left with no fat on your body.
As a teenage girl, all I ever seem to see in magazines and on TV is advertisement to weight loss methods and treatments.
However many forget to mention that your health comes first.
Donatello has never forgotten to remind me of that one fact.
He has always encouraged me to ask questions about fitness and diet, so that I can reach my goals, and this really shows that he cares about your well being, as opposed to only having one care which is to make money.
He has always gone out of his way to help me when I requested it, often also without request, because he truly wants the members of his gym to do everything the right and safe way.
I’ve never been in a bad mood whilst working out with him because he has created such a lovely and friendly atmosphere, and he maintains such a good relationship with all his members.
In fact, I realized that the only way you will not fit in or make progress at The BodyForge is if you decide not to fit in.
All you need is right there – equipment, space, knowledge and friendliness.
Not once have I felt forgotten. And not once have I asked a question that went unanswered fully and completely.
And now to the one of the most important parts, and the reason why we go to the gym – to see our bodies change for the better.
Since I’ve become a member at The BodyForge I have seen truly amazing results.
I have dropped fat, put on muscle, feel so much stronger, and my clothes just look a lot better on me.
My confidence in myself and my abilities has really soared, and I just feel so much better all the time now.
And this is purely due to the fact that I followed the advice that was given to me. In just two short months.
In fact, whenever I have a problem, any problem, I hear Don’s voice in my head, telling me to be strong, and get it done!
And I DO!
Now that’s what I call a real coach.
Donatello has provided me with enough information to last a lifetime.
I have been to many gyms in my life, but Body Forge in Gozo is the only one that has left me satisfied, and willing to keep working out for as long as I live.
Way to go, Eleonora! Love the pic of you in the backback, you look adorable it reminds me of hiking with my daughter.
I was just thinking recently I needed to thank her high school drill team coaches (some of whom she was hard on!) because they started her in lifelong habits of exercise. I was a volunteer mom and hiked with the girls one summer (part of their conditioning) and I never missed a hike! As a result, I could get up the mountain when some of the teenagers coudln’t! 🙂
Finding a mentor that starts you on the path to fitness cannot be underestimated. So glad you found Donatello!