If You Think Running Is Good Exercise…Damn, You’re So WRONG!
Be Afraid…Be VERY Afraid…
It doesn’t have to be Halloween for us to do some scarin’, does it??
Because I have a good scare lined up for all you cardio disciples and treadmill lovers out there.
If you read the following article with any attention, it will definitely frighten you off one the most misguided activities you can be doing in your quest for health and fitness.
So let’s jump in and terrorize you with the truth.
That’s right.
I am calling it out again!!
As an activity planned to make you look your best – CARDIO SUCKS!!!
I have said it time and time again in the past and I am saying it again today.
And I will doubtlessly have to repeat myself again in the future.
Because in the world, there are two kinds of facts.
The ones that everyone knows and preaches.
And the REAL facts – the ones that get relegated to the dark corners of existence.
The reality no one wants to talk about because it just isn’t to our liking.
So what if it’s the truth? Fuck the truth. I want MY version of the truth once every day and twice on Sunday.
Well, lie down and take the truth, rocker – because you are going to have to, sooner or later.
And I’d rather do it sooner.
Best get it now and deal with it, then get it later and repent.
Prevention is still a lot better than cure.
Well, it’s no secret that I fucking LOATHE cardio.
Not even going to try to kid you on that one.
I just can’t stand the idea of it, let alone doing it!.
In fact, I would rather implode myself doing heavy squats than engage in any cardio activity.
It’s boring, it’s mindless, it’s soul destroying – and that’s while I was putting my kit on to go for a run.
Sorry folks, that’s how it is for me
OK, if you twist my hand, I will confess that there ARE some benefits to aerobic training for specific demographics, but they are more than offset by the many negatives that come with it.
Which make it a very bad choice if you want to burn fat off fast and look your best in the least amount of time.
When all that is said and done, I am going to tell you the haymaker reason that cardio should be relegated to the bin behind the back door.
As a fat burning activity, cardio is the PITS!!
It just does NOT work.
No, I am not just saying that. It’s the truth.
Cardio doesn’t do anything to burn fat and make you look your best.
It actually wrecks the fuck out of your plans to fit in that little black dress for Christmas.
Right, so you don’t believe me.
Fair enough, tweedle dee.
Let’s get science to answer some of our cardio questions and expose the aerobic nightmare.
Cardio makes you FAT
Yup!! All true. Cardio tells your body to pack fat on like it was going out of fashion.
Because any prolonged aerobic activity tells the body to stop producing T3.
And that’s not the third instalment of The Terminator.
T3 is actually a potent fat burning hormone produced by the follicular cells of the thyroid gland.
It increases the basal metabolic rate, affects protein synthesis, and helps regulate long bone growth and neural maturation.
So, it’s a good thing to have and a bad thing to stop having.
However, cardio is perceived by the body as a stressful activity and stress makes the body halt T3 production dead in its tracks.
If you have any beef with that statement, take it up with the white-coated, bespectacled boys back at European Journal of Applied Physiology, because their latest research shows exactly that.
Oh, and as if killing T3 wasn’t enough, the body follows up on that by producing extra cortisol.
That’s a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal cortex, the outer layer of the adrenal gland, right above the kidneys.
Excess cortisol is highly catabolic, burning off muscle like 35mm film in a fire.
Plus, it also encourages the deposition of visceral fat.
And it makes your body age quicker.
So, should getting more cortisol be high on your list of priorities?
I didn’t think so.
Cardio Kills Your Joints
OK picture yourself running in the street or on a treadmill, or bouncing along to some percussive cardio class.
Did you know that each of those bounces transfers THREE TIMES your bodyweight into your leg joints?
So if you weigh 170lbs (77kg), you are putting 510lbs (231kg) on each of your knees, ankles and hips every time your legs hit the floor.
That’s not to mention all the jarring that goes along in your spine to accompany that.
That’s a MASSIVE amount of weight!!
Load that up on a squat bar or a leg press and see what it looks and feels like, amigos.
Just ask any seasoned runner to talk to you about their knees and their back.
Or if they can walk without pain of some sort.
Go on, I dare you.
Want to die faster? Cardio on!
Does anyone remember Jim Fixx?
This is the guy who wrote “The Complete Book on Running” and who is accredited with started the running craze back in the late seventies.
The man died of a heart attack at the age of 52. Right after his morning run.
The autopsy showed that atherosclerosis had blocked an artery by 95%, a second one 85% and a third 70%.
Despite all the claims made to the contrary afterwards about him being predisposed to this problem in X amount of ways – hey, wasn’t running supposed to help with that problem?
I mean, if it isn’t helping, why bother doing it anyway?
So listen up to another one of those truths runners don’t want to hear.
Cardio produces significant stress on heart muscle.
It can actually scar the cardiac tissue and leave you as a prime candidate for a heart attack.
That’s the reality of it. Whether you like it or not.
The Fat Burning Zone Myth
Here is a some good advice.
Next time you see a treadmill, go and check the front screen.
If it says anything like “Fat Burning Zone” in any respect on the front, grab a sledgehammer and render the damn thing inoperable.
You will have accomplished two awesome things by doing that.
First, you will have a much better workout smashing it up than it could ever give you by running on it.
Second, you will have rid the world of a lying contraption.
Because the name “Fat Burning Zone” is a misnomer that has misled millions.
“Muscle Destroying Zone” would be a much more fitting epitaph.
Cardio does remove weight off you – but weight is not fat.
Case in point – check out the legs and butt of women that do cardio religiously.
They might look great in clothes, but once they put the bikini on for the beach, you will see that they just sport the “skinny shapeless” look, not the toned, well rounded one.
There is no definition, no muscle tone, no roundness.
These aerobic devotees will look thin but lifeless, and may even have cellulite, despite all the effort.
Not to mention that layer of chubbiness around the lower belly that never seems to go away.
Is that the look you want?
Do You Have Time to Burn?
If there is one thing I hate, it’s wasting time.
Time is the most precious commodity anyone ever has.
You can always get more money, but you can never get more time.
Well, cardio is just a huge waste of time.
Haven’t you ever noticed that those people on the treadmill and on the bikes never seem to improve at all?
They sure sweat a lot but they just keep on looking the same, month after month.
Which is pretty sad, because they do really put in an effort.
However, misguided efforts will just result in disappointments.
Wouldn’t it be a lot more satisfying to spend LESS time working out and get MORE results…by working out less?
Well, it can be done.
Strength training and HIIT training are the answer.
The rest of the time you could be spending doing what YOU want to do.
Well, now you know what cardio really does.
5 scary reasons to just stop doing it right now and use that time for something that works.
I know that those dedicated cardio enthusiasts out there will be impossible to convince.
I have repeatedly tried to get long term cardio people to just TRY to a different mode of exercising but they are the martyrs for a lost cause.
But they are morbidly happy to discuss their joint pains and ask me why their belly fat and wobbly legs are not going away despite all their efforts though.
So, I decided to try a new way to getting people to try something new.
And we are going to go with our greatest program yet.
It’s called The Little Black Dress Project.
It’s an 8 week contest where we are actually going to be PAYING you big bucks – just so you can get the body of your dreams.
Now THAT’S a pretty sweet deal – you not only get to look awesome but you get paid €1000 to do it.
That’s right – the winner will get €1000. Cash money, baby!
As well as a load of other great prizes.
And everyone who participates gets to look the best they ever have.
PLUS get invited to a hot stuff, red carpet Christmas party at the end of it all and celebrate Christmas in style in your new sexy little black dress.
CONTACT US if you want to climb aboard and get more information about this unique event.
Just use the subject line “Little Black Dress Project” and send us your email.
We’ll get right back to you in 48 hours.
Just keep in mind that it’s a LIMITED TIME OFFER and once time’s up, we will NOT be taking in any more participants.
No, really, we won’t. Only action takers are in on this one.
Get in on the LBD Project right now.
Get that killer body you wanted and some serious spending money for the New Year!
That’s The BodyForge way!
See you at the party guys!
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