If you love New Year’s Resolutions – DON’T READ THIS!
If I started this off by wishing you a Happy New Year, you might think this is a fashionably late, benevolent greeting which everyone does when the year starts.
Because, you know, the day that the year starts is really oh-so-different from any other day of the year
Is it?
Ding dong! Sorry, time for a wake up call.
It isn’t different.
At all.
And this isn’t your archetypal Happy New Year message.
I just let you have a few days of your typically “normal” New Year.
The kind which starts with big promises, big plans and great intentions …those same ones that disappear like morning mist when barely a week of January has rolled by.
And, before you know it, you slammed back to square one – right where you left off last year.
Which is where you left off the year before that.
And the year before that too.
Because you never really went anywhere in the first place.
You know exactly what I am talking about.
So let’s cut to the chase.
Now you’ve had a taste of “normal”, I want to kick your butt into a BodyForge New Year.
Screw normal – who wants that?
I don’t.
(And if YOU want “normal”, you need to stop reading this right now because I am going to call you out before we are done and you don’t want that do you? So just go back to your sofa and your next installment of “Game Of Thrones” and “Mad Men” and your snacks and drinks and practice telling everyone how tough you have it and how you can never get anywhere in life.)
Let’s wait for the petal pickers to leave the room.
Now, if you are still here reading, from today on, you need to start making decisions…AND acting on them.
You had the time for your resolutions this past week.
All those lovely promises and grandiose aspirations that were going to change everything in your life – yeah, right.
What exactly have you accomplished?
Anything at all?
Go ahead. Prove me wrong.
Resolutions don’t work. (They never did, did they?)
But decisions work.
Because decisions come with deadlines.
And deadlines give you no option.
There is no exit clause.
There is no way out.
No space for “if”, or “maybe”, or “but”.
Or any other excuse you’d like to think about.
Do you know what the difference between a goal and a dream is?
Exactly – it’s a DEADLINE.
Because a deadline means you HAVE to take action when the time is up.
Sitting on your ass talking about things to come is for people who will NEVER get around to achieving the greatness they are able to achieve.
Those people just live in the realm of wishful thinking.
Of “if only”.
Of commiseration.
Of entitlement.
Those that think the world owes them something. Anything.
Because, you know, “I’m worth it.” I deserve it.”
And guess what that gets you.
A big fat chunk of nothing. With a generous helping of emptiness ladled on top.
Most people will go to their graves having only lived with mediocrity in their lives.
Even that word tastes vile in my mouth.
Mediocrity. Average. Normal.
They will live and die and have nothing, absolutely nothing, to show as a mark their existence on this planet.
They will give nothing, leave nothing, change nothing.
I can’t think of a worse way to fritter away your life.
But YOU are better than that.
You DESERVE to be awesome.
You DESERVE to achieve.
You DESERVE all the success in the world.
Even though I may have never met YOU personally, I am telling you right now, from over 25 years of experience in the game, that YOU have the power to do anything, absolutely anything you set your mind to.
I have seen people do amazing things.
I have learnt never EVER to doubt anyone – because even the people whom might on the surface look the least capable of achieving, will be those who blow your mind away.
It is no my place to judge. That’s for the Big Man upstairs to do.
My purpose on this planet is to shine a light and walk with you there.
And when you do this with the people who can appreciate it and want it (check those two conditions out carefully please!), magic happens.
And I have seen this happen so many times, it’s just mind-boggling.
But greatness will ONLY come if you want it bad enough.
Bad enough that you are willing to let go of your fears and just to jump in. Regardless. Just jump in.
And that jump has to happen TODAY.
Yes, I mean right now – as soon as you’re done reading this.
What is it that you want to achieve this year?
It doesn’t matter how big or far fetched it sounds – THAT is your dream.
That is your goal.
Now, what do you need to do to make your dream happen?
Seriously, find out what you need to do and do exactly that– whatever you need to do to make your dream come true.
Take it so seriously that you give it TEN TIMES the effort that it would need to happen.
Yes, go over and above whatever you think your dream needs to happen – ten times over and above.
Give it absolutely no chance to fail.
Whatever your dream is, it absolutely can be made to come true – if you put the blood, sweat and tears in.
I’ve seen way too many people let their dreams die in their hearts.
When you wait on your dreams, life will move in on you and destroy them for you.
When you wait, dreams won’t seem as important anymore.
People will make you doubt yourself and your choices.
They will whisper venom into your ear that will eventually rot your goals.
Life will just stifle every single dream that is left waiting for a “better” tomorrow.
I can think of no worse punishment to yourself than to let your dream die with you without it being brought to life.
If you cannot go for your dreams, dejection and disillusionment are your only bedfellows.
And who the hell wants that?
YOU don’t!
Time to ditch those resolutions and get crazy, don’t you think?
It’s time to fly with the eagles.
You’re done reading about it.
Now go.
PS: If you like what you heard so far, how about spending an hour with me giving you my best advice for becoming the best you can be? Here is my Self Motivation Master Class series – 10 of my top videos for short, sometimes not sweet but incredibly effective truth bombs to kicking life into high gear.
We go over things like:
- how to get things done – because you only get paid for DONE
- how to turn bad mornings into disgustingly productive days – even when all you would like to do is go back to bed
- secrets to achieving amazing goals – EVEN if you consider yourself the “average” person
- why you absolutely should avoid perfection – because being perfect will destroy all your dreams
- how failures can be the best thing that can happen to you – and how to use them as a weapon to smash the hell out of your goals
- how to kill VAMPIRES – the kind that don’t believe in your dreams, surround you with negativity and suck the life right out of you
And more of the kind of stuff that just turns you into a problem-pulverizing, success-sniffing, downfall-demolishing wrecking ball.
*CAVEAT EMPTOR* – As always, no tyre kickers or toe dippers need apply. The ones looking for magic and pixie dust better have gotten it from the jolly fat guy in the red suit. This is strictly for those who really want to make a change in their lives, who want to invest in themselves and who know they are going to have to roll their sleeves up and get work done to get where they deserve to be.
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