IS TO PRAISE HER BEAUTY TO HER GIRLFRIENDS “Hey Kim! Are you working out with Mandy today?” “Yeah! We decided to hit it together these last few sessions!” “That’s pretty cool. You’ll get a great workout together!” Pause…while we both look at Mandy doing a set of strict barbell curls. “Look at her Kim. Isn’t… Keep Reading
“Hey Kim! Are you working out with Mandy today?”
“Yeah! We decided to hit it together these last few sessions!”
“That’s pretty cool. You’ll get a great workout together!”
Pause…while we both look at Mandy doing a set of strict barbell curls.
“Look at her Kim. Isn’t she gorgeous? She’s in great shape isn’t she?”
Ambient temperature drops by a few degrees.
“Yeah…I guess…”
“She’s made some fantastic improvements in a really short time. She’s going to look mind-blowing this summer!”
The nearby water cooler starts forming ice crystals….
Kim looks at me…thawing it over…
“Maybe she is…but did you know that she…(insert fat, juicy gossip here)!”
Well, blow me sideways.
This was, by the way, a true conversation I had with a client a little while ago.
And though you tend to know it on a visceral level, it’s still throws me for a loop when I see how many people are fueled by jealousy as a driving force.
They are ready to knock you down and trample all over you, just so they feel better about themselves and their own lives.
“Misery loves company”, as Metallica said very successfully. (Yes, they also said, “sad but true”, which also fits in here quite well.)
And one of the nastier ways some people will use to get their mean kicks in, is by spreading rumors.
Unfortunately, while great minds discuss ideas, small minds slander people.
And, like it or not, that’s how human nature works.
You can’t control what people whisper about you.
Whatever you do, your detractors will say anything they please to try and steal your thunder and leave you dirty and down.
But you can control how you react to it.
And being vanilla isn’t going to help you either. So just stop trying to please everybody. It’s never going to happen.
All it’s going to do is make you as miserable as a soggy Christmas pudding.
And I’m no fan of Christmas pudding anyway.
So screw vanilla!!
Just be yourself!!
With over 7 billion people on the planet – there is only one YOU after all!
OK so we need a little roadmap.
It’s not easy to ignore the haters, even at the best of times.
They tend to crawl under your skin, if you let your guard down even for a moment.
So, anything in our corner that helps us is going to be an advantage.
Here are 5 pointers to follow to come out swinging and leave their ears ringing!
First of all, you need to stop spending time with the wrong people.
You are directly affected by those you spend most of your time with – so choose your friends wisely.
Time to get away from the emotional vampires.
Second, people don’t know your story.
They don’t know the person you really are. They don’t know what you have been through or where you have come from.
They can only talk about what they think.
Third. Start taking opinions with a pinch of salt.
Points of view can only affect you if you let them. It’s a decision you need to make – so make it a good one.
Fourth. People who love you will make space for you.
You should never have to compete with anyone or anything for a spot in their heart or a slice of their time. Open your eyes and see the truth for what it is.
Fifth. Stop trying to be someone you are not.
It’s just a forlorn exercise in failure. You will just attract other hypocrites – you know what birds of a feather do.
If you do one of those things every day, starting on Monday, you will feel like a rock star come Saturday.
Seriously, I kid you not. These are all little victories, notched up, one by one, every day.
Victories that will help you see life in a different way.
And every single one will help you taste living again, perhaps for the first time in a long time.
Try it out. Have fun with it. And have an AWESOME week ahead!
Rock the planet!
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